  • theme and comment sheet
  • detail: theme and comment sheet
  • detail: theme and comment sheet
  • detail: theme and comment sheet

Hamburger Hochstraße 24 - near Hein-Köllisch Platz
20359 Hamburg

Michel Chevalier, Rahel Puffert and Tobias Still invite the public to take part in
«target: autonopop open mic.»

"alternatives to network-logic"
"Identity Politics and bourgeois society"
"pop theory/politics in music, art, journalism"
"free will"
"art patrons"
"aesthetico-libertarianism and political reaction"
"is there an existence beyond the visible?"
"community against laissez-faire"
"eclectic consensus culture"
"who gets hired?"
"what X says and what X does"
"overview of recent mobilizations"
"Texte zu Grunde"
"underground 2005"
"agents-provocateur and surveillance"
"metatheoreticians and their holiday destinations"
"no one is an expert"
"cultural production/consumption/teaching/administration and self-congratulation"
"thank you, immaterial labor! -- the end of parasitism"
"Hamburg's business hall of shame"
"everybody do your thing, but keep me out of it!"
"information (-paradigms) and disorientation"
"fragmentation and coming together"
"what exactly does ressentiment mean?"
"should the art-world finally be democratized?"
"Gentrification and Coolness"
"'courageous' critics of populism"

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