
Chapelle Fifteen
15 bis rue de la Chapelle
75018 Paris

10/05/23. 7PM
«postx-Punk à Berlin, 2023 … et l’éternel retour.»
Featuring music from the Berlin bands: Lieek, JeJeJe, Vorsicht Kinder, Mir Express, Nova Tron, Halbtal, Corp Cruid I, Der Expander des Fortschritts.

What do current post-punk bands in Berlin have in common with Friedrich Nietzsche, Hannah Arendt, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty?

What do Dialectical Materialism, Francis Fukuyama, commercial pop music, and Big Tech all have in common?

This talk and performance examines two trans-epochal constellations that stand in mutual opposition.

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